Query CMIP6 data using ESGF search RESTful API

  activity = "ScenarioMIP",
  variable = c("tas", "tasmax", "tasmin", "hurs", "hursmax", "hursmin", "pr", "rsds",
    "rlds", "psl", "sfcWind", "clt"),
  frequency = "day",
  experiment = c("ssp126", "ssp245", "ssp370", "ssp585"),
  source = c("AWI-CM-1-1-MR", "BCC-CSM2-MR", "CESM2", "CESM2-WACCM", "EC-Earth3",
    "EC-Earth3-Veg", "GFDL-ESM4", "INM-CM4-8", "INM-CM5-0", "MPI-ESM1-2-HR",
  variant = "r1i1p1f1",
  replica = FALSE,
  latest = TRUE,
  resolution = c("100 km", "50 km"),
  type = "Dataset",
  limit = 10000L,
  data_node = NULL



A character vector indicating activity identifiers. Default: "ScenarioMIP". Possible values:

  • "AerChemMIP": Aerosols and Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "C4MIP": Coupled Climate Carbon Cycle Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "CDRMIP": Carbon Dioxide Removal Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "CFMIP": Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "CMIP": CMIP DECK: 1pctCO2, abrupt4xCO2, amip, esm-piControl, esm-historical, historical, and piControl experiments,

  • "CORDEX": Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment,

  • "DAMIP": Detection and Attribution Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "DCPP": Decadal Climate Prediction Project,

  • "DynVarMIP": Dynamics and Variability Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "FAFMIP": Flux-Anomaly-Forced Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "GMMIP": Global Monsoons Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "GeoMIP": Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "HighResMIP": High-Resolution Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "ISMIP6": Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6,

  • "LS3MIP": Land Surface, Snow and Soil Moisture,

  • "LUMIP": Land-Use Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "OMIP": Ocean Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "PAMIP": Polar Amplification Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "PMIP": Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project,

  • "RFMIP": Radiative Forcing Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "SIMIP": Sea Ice Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "ScenarioMIP": Scenario Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "VIACSAB": Vulnerability, Impacts, Adaptation and Climate Services Advisory Board,

  • "VolMIP": Volcanic Forcings Model Intercomparison Project


A character vector indicating variable identifiers. The 12 most related variables for EPW are set as defaults. If NULL, all possible variables are returned. Default: c("tas", "tasmax", "tasmin", "hurs", "hursmax", "hursmin", "psl", "rss", "rls", "sfcWind", "pr", "clt"), where:

  • tas: Near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature, units: K.

  • tasmax: Maximum near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature, units: K.

  • tasmin: Minimum near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature, units: K.

  • hurs: Near-surface relative humidity, units: %.

  • hursmax: Maximum near-surface relative humidity, units: %.

  • hursmin: Minimum near-surface relative humidity, units: %.

  • psl: Sea level pressure, units: Pa.

  • rsds: Surface downwelling shortwave radiation, units: W m-2.

  • rlds: Surface downwelling longwave radiation, units: W m-2.

  • sfcWind: Near-surface (usually, 10 meters) wind speed, units: m s-1.

  • pr: Precipitation, units: kg m-2 s-1.

  • clt: Total cloud area fraction for the whole atmospheric column, as seen from the surface or the top of the atmosphere. Units: %.


A character vector of sampling frequency. If NULL, all possible frequencies are returned. Default: "day". Possible values:

  • "1hr": sampled hourly,

  • "1hrCM": monthly-mean diurnal cycle resolving each day into 1-hour means,

  • "1hrPt": sampled hourly, at specified time point within an hour,

  • "3hr": sampled every 3 hours,

  • "3hrPt": sampled 3 hourly, at specified time point within the time period,

  • "6hr": sampled every 6 hours,

  • "6hrPt": sampled 6 hourly, at specified time point within the time period,

  • "day": daily mean samples,

  • "dec": decadal mean samples,

  • "fx": fixed (time invariant) field,

  • "mon": monthly mean samples,

  • "monC": monthly climatology computed from monthly mean samples,

  • "monPt": sampled monthly, at specified time point within the time period,

  • "subhrPt": sampled sub-hourly, at specified time point within an hour,

  • "yr": annual mean samples,

  • "yrPt": sampled yearly, at specified time point within the time period


A character vector indicating root experiment identifiers. The Tier-1 experiment of activity ScenarioMIP are set as defaults. If NULL, all possible experiment are returned. Default: c("ssp126", "ssp245", "ssp370", "ssp585").


A character vector indicating model identifiers. Defaults are set to 11 sources which give outputs of all 4 experiment of activity ScenarioMIP with daily frequency, i.e. "AWI-CM-1-1-MR", "BCC-CSM2-MR", "CESM2", "CESM2-WACCM", "EC-Earth3", "EC-Earth3-Veg", "GFDL-ESM4", "INM-CM4-8", "INM-CM5-0", "MPI-ESM1-2-HR" and "MRI-ESM2-0". If NULL, all possible sources are returned.


A character vector indicating label constructed from 4 indices stored as global attributes in format r<k>i<l>p<m>f<n> described below. Default: "r1i1p1f1". If NULL, all possible variants are returned.

  • r: realization_index (<k>) = realization number (integer >0)

  • i: initialization_index (<l>) = index for variant of initialization method (integer >0)

  • p: physics_index (<m>) = index for model physics variant (integer >0)

  • f: forcing_index (<n>) = index for variant of forcing (integer >0)


Whether the record is the "master" copy, or a replica. Use FALSE to return only originals and TRUE to return only replicas. Use NULL to return both the master and the replicas. Default: FALSE.


Whether the record is the latest available version, or a previous version. Use TRUE to return only the latest version of all records and FALSE to return previous versions. Default: FALSE.


A character vector indicating approximate horizontal resolution. Default: c("50 km", "100 km"). If NULL, all possible resolutions are returned.


A single string indicating the intrinsic type of the record. Should be either "Dataset" or "File". Default: "Dataset".


An integer indicating the maximum of matched records to return. Should be <= 10,000. Default: 10000.


A character vector indicating data nodes to be queried. Default to NULL, which means all possible data nodes.


A data.table::data.table with an attribute named response which is a list converted from json response. If no matched data is found, an empty data.table is returned. Otherwise, the columns of returned data varies based on the type:

  • If "Dataset", returned columns are:

    1dataset_idCharacterDataset universal identifier
    2mip_eraCharacterActivity's associated CMIP cycle. Will always be "CMIP6"
    3activity_drsCharacterActivity DRS (Data Reference Syntax)
    4institution_idCharacterInstitution identifier
    5source_idCharacterModel identifier
    6experiment_idCharacterRoot experiment identifier
    7member_idCharacterA compound construction from sub_experiment_id and variant_label
    8table_idCharacterTable identifier, i.e. sampling frequency identifier
    9frequencyCharacterSampling frequency
    10grid_labelCharacterGrid identifier
    11versionCharacterApproximate date of model output file
    12nominal_resolutionCharacterApproximate horizontal resolution
    13variable_idCharacterVariable identifier
    14variable_long_nameCharacterVariable long name
    15variable_unitsCharacterUnits of variable
    16data_nodeCharacterData node to download the model output file
    17dataset_pidCharacterA unique string that helps identify the dataset
  • If "File", returned columns are:

    1file_idCharacterModel output file universal identifier
    2dataset_idCharacterDataset universal identifier
    3mip_eraCharacterActivity's associated CMIP cycle. Will always be "CMIP6"
    4activity_drsCharacterActivity DRS (Data Reference Syntax)
    5institution_idCharacterInstitution identifier
    6source_idCharacterModel identifier
    7experiment_idCharacterRoot experiment identifier
    8member_idCharacterA compound construction from sub_experiment_id and variant_label
    9table_idCharacterTable identifier, i.e. sampling frequency identifier
    10frequencyCharacterSampling frequency
    11grid_labelCharacterGrid identifier
    12versionCharacterApproximate date of model output file
    13nominal_resolutionCharacterApproximate horizontal resolution
    14variable_idCharacterVariable identifier
    15variable_long_nameCharacterVariable long name
    16variable_unitsCharacterUnits of variable
    17datetime_startPOSIXctStart date and time of simulation
    18datetime_endPOSIXctEnd date and time of simulation
    19file_sizeCharacterModel output file size in Bytes
    20data_nodeCharacterData node to download the model output file
    21file_urlCharacterModel output file download url from HTTP server
    22tracking_idCharacterA unique string that helps identify the output file


The Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) is an international collaboration for the software that powers most global climate change research, notably assessments by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The ESGF search service exposes a RESTful URL that can be used by clients to query the contents of the underlying search index, and return results matching the given constraints. With the distributed capabilities of the ESGF search, the URL at any Index Node can be used to query that Node only, or all Nodes in the ESGF system. esgf_query() uses the LLNL (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Index Node.

The core Controlled Vocabularies (CVs) for use in CMIP6, including all activities, experiment, sources (GCMs), frequencies can be found at the WCRP-CMIP/CMIP6_CVs GitHub repo.




if (FALSE) {
esgf_query(variable = "rss", experiment = "ssp126", resolution = "100 km", limit = 1)

esgf_query(variable = "rss", experiment = "ssp126", type = "File", limit = 1)