What is mixed-mode ventilation?
“Mixed-mode” refers to a hybrid approach to space conditioning that uses a combination of natural ventilation from operable windows (either manually or automatically controlled), and mechanical systems that include air distribution equipment and refrigeration equipment for cooling.
Effective mixed-mode ventilation combines data fusion & integration, energy modelling & simulation as well as various machine learning approaches (i.e., deep reinforcement learning) to optimise building performance.

What are different types of mixed-mode ventilation?
There are 3 different types of mixed-mode.
Concurrent: Concurrent mixed-mode operation is the most prevalent design strategy in practice today, in which the air-conditioning system and operable windows operate in the same space and at the same time.
Changeover: Change-over designs are becoming increasingly common, where the building “changes-over” between natural ventilation and air-conditioning on a seasonal or even daily basis. The air-conditioning system and operable windows operate in the same space and different times.
Zoned: Zoned systems are also common, where different zones within the building have different conditioning strategies. The air-conditioning system and operable windows operate in the different zones and times.

What are the different data sources used in occupant centric sensing and control strategy?
Different data sources includes Energy, Thermal, Acoustics, Indoor Air Quality, Wearables and Building Operation under various mixed-mode aspects.

Mixed-mode ventilation in tropics ...